Showing posts with label Lindsay Lohan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lindsay Lohan. Show all posts

Mom's Drinking caused Lindsay Lohan's problems says DAD

The father of troubled Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan is trying to force her mother to undergo drug testing. Former stockbroker Michael Lohan - who has served two prison sentences for contempt of court, driving without a licence and attempted assault - is asking a court in New York State to order his estranged wife Dina to submit to the tests.
Mr Lohan claims Dina's drinking has contributed to Lindsay's recent troubles - which include her latest spell in rehab after crashing her Mercedes and being arrested on suspicion of drink-driving and possession of cocaine.
He is currently being divorced by Dina, and has said he believes his daughter's problems with alcohol can be traced back to his own past drug use.
He is also battling for visiting rights to see his two younger children, Aliana and Dakota.
Mr Lohan said: "I do not believe Dina should be drinking in front of our daughter.
"If she continues to do this, I guarantee Lindsay will fall apart again."

HOW DO YOU SAY REHAB : Lindsay Lohan parties with her mom and her sister in Malibu, July 5th

Rehab here she comes...

What a farce she just spent 60 days in Rehab and here she goes again, what is her MOTHER thinking!


Lindsay Lohan's Birthday Party

Lindsay Lohan celebrated her birthday on the beach yesterday. Samantha Ronson was seen entering the party and Lindsay's mom also showed up with a Cartier bag in hand. It looks like Lindsay got a new bike and camera for her birthday.


Lindsay Lohan Enjoying Her Birthday on the Beach!

I'm so happy that she is getting her life back on track. I have always been a Lindsay Lohan fan. She went through a lot to get to this point and I think it is the only real attempt I have seen from a young hollywood star.


Lindsay Lohan Turning Things Around on Her Birthday

Lindsay Lohan quietly marked her 21st birthday Monday in rehab. Lohan's mother and siblings were photographed arriving at Los Angeles International Airport over the weekend for what her mother had said would be a family celebration.

Lindsay has a lot to be happy about this birthday. It seems as she is making a successful recovery.

Saturday, with a brand new iPhone in her hand, she stopped by the boutique Planet Blue, where rock music blares and shelves are filled with items for the bedroom, bathroom and clothes closets.

She was seen the day before, on Friday, with friends – a male and a female – looking great and listening to the piano at the Chateau Marmont. The star drank tea, diet coke, and water, according to an observer at the hotspot, who added: "She's turned things around, at least for now."

And last Wednesday night she attended an AA meeting in Santa Monica before meeting pals for dinner at Katsuya in Brentwood – with a stop at Promises in between.

"She came in with a whole bunch of friends, there were like seven of them, and she walked in incognito, super low-key," a fellow diner tells PEOPLE. "They sat down for some sushi and were just really enjoying themselves. She wasn't really noticed at all and was just happy, in a good mood."


Lindsay Lohan Sued Over Van Crash

Legal problems continue to follow Lindsay even while she recovers in rehab. The 20-year-old starlet has been sued by Grandeur Inc., which claims the actress crashed into a company van in October 2005. Lohan was behind the wheel in Beverly Hills when her car collided with a parked van, according to small claims court papers filed May 18. Grandeur Inc. is seeking $3,624.84 in damages. A judge will hear the matter on June 20.


Lohan Body Guard Spills All

Linday Lohan Body Guard Lee Weaver says he quit working for her because she was too dangerous. He worked for Lindsay for two years and according to him two hellish years.

Weaver claims she attacked a gun-wielding cocaine dealer for ripping her off. Snorted line after line with Simple Life star Nicole Richie in a ten-hour binge. Slashed her wrists with knives, sobbing that she "didn't belong on this planet". Enjoyed frenzied lesbian romps with scores of girls she picked up at parties — and even made a play for chart star Mariah Carey.

Further more he said she had a total death wish and took more drugs and drank more than anyone I've met. "I lost count of the times I thought she was overdosing and had to carry her out of parties. Every morning I'd breathe a sigh of relief she was still alive."

The question here is he telling the TRUTH or is this a ploy to make money from LOHAN and her problems?


LINDSAY has decided enough is enough and has split from "druggy" boyfriend CALUM BEST. He is said to be devastated that the MEAN GIRLS actress is not returning his calls.
Lindsay is currently in a Malibu rehab clinic. But despite the model flying out to California to see Lindsay and work out a £500,000 magazine shoot for the pair, Lindsay is snubbing him. A source told the Sun: "Lindsay hasn't been returning any of his calls since he got to America."She knew Calum was no angel but she felt humiliated when she heard what he had been up to just as she checked herself into rehab."Calum was pictured in what the paper calls "a drug-fuelled romp" with two prostitutes, while it also claims he was seeing another model, Claire Evans, behind Lindsay's back. This girl has no luck, her mother waits two weeks to visit her in rehab, he boyfriend is sleeping with prostitutes....... I actually feel sorry for her. I hope she gets the help she needs in rehab...

Lindsay Lohan: "No one's perfect; I'm human"

Lindsay Lohan doesn't think she's perfect. "The thing is, people do things and mess up," she says in the new issue of Los Angeles Confidential magazine, hitting stands next Friday. "No one's perfect. I'm human." How true that is. About two weeks after the interview took place, the 20-year-old starlet checked herself into rehab after a nasty weekend featuring some very public displays of partying.Lohan admitted that Hollywood isn't always so kind to her. "The real hard thing about L.A. is that it's all about one thing," she says. "Everyone always wants something. This industry is very lonely; I tend to get very lonely." She may have used that sadness while shooting I Know Who Killed Me, her upcoming thriller in which she plays a stripper abducted by a serial killer. "I do a lot of crying in scenes," Lohan says. "At one point, [my character] takes a bunch of pills. I didn't know how to approach the challenge, so I just dove in." And yes, she does do some stripping in the movie. "Leading up to it, I was a little shaky, but I had some friends on set and in the end I wasn't nervous," Lohan remembers. "Once I was in costume and really 'in it,' the scene went great. It doesn't come across as cheesy or gross, like, Oh, she just wanted to take her clothes off."


Dina Lohan Finally Visits Lindsay in Rehab!

No wonder this girl is in rehab with a parent like Dina Lohan. What does she have to do to get her mother to visit her in rehab?!

It only took over a week, I guess she was to busy with her career, but Dina Lohan has finally decided to visit her daughter Lindsay at Promises rehab in Malibu. According to BestWeekEver, Dina is en route from Long Island to Los Angeles, and will soon be reunited with her 20-year-old wild child. While in L.A., Dina will babysit Lindsay's dogs as well, reports BestWeekEver. Yes, Dina's going to the dogs. Though several of Lindsay's "friends" have stopped by to see how she's doing, Dina is the first family member to do so. How sad is this?


Lindsay up to Mischief in Rehab

Troubled starlet Lindsay Lohan has allegedly asked pals to smuggle sleeping pills into her rehab centre, it has been claimed.Starlet Lohan recently entered Malibu's Promises clinic for a 30-day stint after a highly publicised car crash.But Lindsay is not taking her rehab seriously, the National Enquirer magazine claims."Lindsay managed to keep her Blackberry and is texting her friends - begging them for sleeping pills," an insider told the Enquirer."She's just playing at getting sober."Lindsay, 20, has reportedly complained to her friends that she can't sleep in the clinic, but they have so far refused to co-operate."She was supposed to share quarters, but she insisted on having her own private room," the pal added."And while group therapy is a huge part of substance-abuse recovery."Lindsay went only once and then refused to return."Another pal insists that Lohan is using her time at the clinic to plan her 21st birthday bash in Las Vegas.The actress reportedly plans on taking over a whole floor at Caesars Palace casino for her party in July."Lindsay's using her month-long stay to plan her 21st birthday party, scheduled to take place days after she's released," the friend claimed."Lindsay's number one priority is her birthday bash - and she's not planning a sober party."



Lindsay Lohan Ruins Rehab For People That Really Want Help

Lindsay Lohan's extraordinary privileges at Wonderland have now driven disgruntled residents out of the rehab facility. A recent ex-resident of the Wonderland house said that making an early exit was due entirely to the distraction created by Lindsay.

The source said that once the story of Lindsay's special treatment, Wonderland began treating all of the residents with more leniency, allowing all kinds of special treatment for everyone.
"Wonderland has become a joke," according to the former resident. A very expensive joke. "While I'm trying to save my life, she's trying to save her face."

Reps from Wonderland had no comment.

Lindsay Lohan shopping at Christian Dior in Beverly Hills (1/28/7)

Lindsay Lohan is Getting Her Life Back...

Since entering rehab at the Wonderland Center addiction-treatment facility last week, Lindsay Lohan has been keeping a low profile – and loving it. "She's been sending text messages from rehab saying she's the happiest she has ever been," a pal tells PEOPLE in its new issue. "She seems under control right now."

Lohan, 20, who had planned to attend the Sundance film festival, has instead been taking hikes on the center's lush three acres and attending treatment meetings. The hillside Wonderland has all the amenities of a spa, including yoga instructors and beauty constultants. Says Dr. Howard C. Samuels, the center's executive director: "We treat the individual's emotional, spiritual and physical ailments."

Should Lohan wish to step out, the new facility allows patients to attend professional and social engagements, typically with a "sober companion" – a Wonderland staffer – in tow. So far the kid-glove treatment seems to be agreeing with the actress – which must come as a relief to her family and friends, who had watched with increasing concern as she kicked off the new year by partying hard and fast.

The final straw? When Lindsay Lohan hit Hollywood's Les Deux on Jan. 5, less than 24 hours after having her appendix removed. "That's when (those in her inner circle) said, 'We can't make excuses for this,' " says a source. "She was like, 'You're right. So let's do something about that.' "


Chapter 27 Recieves Harsh Criticism!

'Chapter 27' - the new film about John Lennon's assassination - has been branded an insult to the music legend's memory. J.P. Schaefer's movie which depicts the former Beatle's murder in 1980 by deranged fan Mark David Chapman premiered at the Sundance festival on Tuesday after allegedly being rejected by other film festivals.

Fox News reporter Roger Friedman saw the movie and has blasted Schaefer for tarnishing Lennon's memory. Friedman said: "J.P. Schaefer has managed to kill Lennon again. He's also made a boring, un-releasable movie that no one will ever see. "Most of the audience struggled to remain awake during the film's lethargic 90 minutes."

Friedman brands Jared Leto's performance as Chapman as "inert", claiming the "once promising" actor "plays Chapman as a blob in tinted sunglasses". He also accuses 'Chapter 27' of plagiarising J.D. Salinger's novel 'The Catcher in the Rye', from which the movie takes its name.

Lindsay Lohan also appears in the film and Friedman claims she is wasted as a Beatles fan with a minor role in the film. He said: "She's better off in rehab than wasting her talents on this junk."


Lindsay Lohan Goes to an AA Meeting in West Hollywood (1/21/7)


James Franco Caused Lindsay Lohan to Enter Rehab

Lindsay Lohan reportedly checked herself into rehab on Wednesday after James Franco rejected her romantic advances. The star allegedly became obsessed with the actor after meeting him at the Prairie Home Companion film premiere in June and tried to give him an expensive watch, which he refused.

According to the New York Daily News, Franco rebuffed the actress at Prince's Golden Globes after-party at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel on Monday night, reducing Lohan to tears.

A source says, "She seemed lost. She was trying to get James' attention, and he wouldn't give her anything. She was smoking a lot, not drinking in front of him, and then she went into a bedroom. From there, she went back to trying to get James' attention again, and he was ignoring her. She ran out crying."

Lohan was allegedly found passed out in a hotel hallway shortly after the incident. The 20-year-old subsequently checked herself into the posh Wonderland rehabilitation center in the Hollywood Hills.



Lindsay Lohan Entering Rehab


More on Lindsay Lohan in Rehab

Shortly after Lindsay's statement was released, her manager-mom Dina told "I'm so proud of her. She's really in a good place right now, spiritually and mentally. She's in an amazing, phenomenal place. She's 20 and she's solid, and she's doing what she needs to do. I don’t know that many people who are that secure. It's all about her, and getting back on track. She's fine — she’s amazingly fine."

A source tells that
Lindsay checked herself into rehab after an intervention with her family and executives from the movie she’s working on, I Know Who Killed Me. “The movie executives said they had a major issue with getting her insured for the film and threatened to sue her for between for between $3 million and $5 million for the delays her constant absences were causing on the set,” the source tells. “Lindsay’s family and other people she works with sat down with her last night and convinced her she had to go into rehab to save herself professionally and personally. She couldn’t afford to have another letter come out about how she was being unprofessional and missing work on the set.”

Lindsay has been in a rapid decline, health-wise, since leaving the hospital on January 5, after having her appendix removed, adds the source. “She left the hospital with several painkillers on her; that was her downfall -- she was using the painkillers and continuing to go out and drink. She woke up each morning exhausted and feeling sicker than ever.”

The source adds that the rehab facility where Lohan is staying -- the $1,750 per day Wonderland Center in Laurel Canyon, just outside downtown LA -- will allow Lindsay to continue working on her movie during the day. She will check into the facility but will be allowed to leave during the day, and will return to the rehab clinic in the evenings and on the weekend. source


Lindsay Lohan in Rehab!

Lindsay Lohan has checked herself into rehab, according to a statement issued through her rep, Leslie Sloane Zelnik. Lindsay Lohan entered the luxe rehab facility Wonderland Center in Los Angeles' Laurel Canyon on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 p.m.

"I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health," Lohan tells Us Weekly through her rep, Leslie Sloane-Zelnick. "I appreciate your well-wishes and ask that you please respect my privacy at this time."

She arrived at the facility in a blacked out SUV followed by a caravan of two other cars. Looking somber, the actress carried a dark Balenciaga bag and a Jamba Juice, she wore black tights, a green flannel shirt, a leather jacket, and a black baseball cap that said "Lola."

Though Lohan didn’t attend the Golden Globe Awards, the actress was spotted at Prince’s after-party at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel where "she was totally out of it,” according to an onlooker. Witnesses say that the starlet partied until 6 a.m. Tuesday morning.



Lindsay Lohan for Miu Miu: Part Two

Miu Miu really transformed Lindsay into another person. The face and body is totally diferent!