
Jessica Simpson Losing Weight?

Jessica Simpson seems to be quite happy living the single life! She went back to her natural hair and now it looks like she is slimming down. Friday, she looked visibly smaller leaving an Italian eatery in Hollywood. Lets hope she doesn't keep losing weight.... Hollywood doesn't need another skeleton.


Candy Spelling's Tells Britney to Close Her Legs Again

You'd think Candy Spelling would have better things to do than write countless open letters to even more pathetic shits than her.

You made me do it. I didn't plan to write another letter now. I took two weeks off from TMZ.com because I didn't feel strongly about what anyone was doing -- or else I couldn't decide which side to believe.

You've driven me back to my laptop to ask why, if you have to slither in and out of cars, do clumsy imitations of gymnasts and wear clothes that are just too tight, trashy or skimpy, do you have to pose in front of photographers all the time? We've seen the body parts, poses and clumsy attention-seeking tricks before. You're wearing out your welcome. Some people never can turn away from a train wreck, so who can blame the photographers for waiting for your next one? Do you really want captions such as TMZ's own "Victim of Pap Smear" and "Does Britney Change Clothes for Cash" to be your legacy? You can do much better.

Unlike some others who are famous for being famous, you initially earned the fame and respect you achieved. You were a giant star, a Mouseketeer, a singer whose song titles became part of everyone's vocabulary. You made some missteps. We all do. But, when you become more famous for hideous, irresponsible actions than accomplishments, it's time to step back and figure out where you want your life to go. So many young girls still see you as a role model. Give those kids a reason to look up to you. They're probably even tired of the endless speculation about what undergarments you may or may not be wearing. I know their parents would like you to move on and get dressed. Even the school uniform was more dignified.

You're doing all right with the wigs. I know the paparazzi have a bounty on your (wigless) head. I think it's great that you have a variety of wigs (some very stylish) when you go out in public. If you do feel you need to show how your hair is growing back, at least make a deal with a photographer to sell the photo and donate the money to charity. Do you know what a statement that would make?

Enough with the sorry grabs for attention. Deep down, especially for your sons, people want you to succeed. You can always get attention if you need it. Visit someone famous in jail and attract a zillion photographers if you're that addicted to fame. Americans like winners. We like those stories about what people do with second chances. How about a moratorium on train wrecks and some time out for paying back the fans who helped you succeed?


Candy Spelling

I really do not see the point?

Dirty Laundry Caption of the Day

It seems that Elmo was the only date Tyra could get with such a hideous outfit at the Emmy's. It even look like Elmo is embarrassed.


Angelina Jolie Takes the Kids Shopping (6/16/7)


Chaos Reigns As Britney Spears Stages Hotel Drive-By

Britney caused chaos in Santa Monica, California yesterday in what appeared to be a desperate attempt to get a little paparazzi attention. Photographers camped outside celebrity hotspot the Casa Del Mar hotel, hoping for the chance to shoot Britney's one-time pop rival Mandy Moore - who was conducting press interviews inside, were stunned when the singer slowly drove by. One bystander says, "It seemed obvious that Britney wanted to get noticed and photographed - why else would you show up at one of California's paparazzi hang-outs. She drove really slowly and doubled back on herself to make sure that everyone who wanted to get a shot, got a shot."

But Britney's afternoon out turned ugly when her security guard, who was with her for the drive, had to fight off one snapper who got too close to his charge.
The onlooker says, "Britney had to make a run for it in the end. She and her bodyguard ended up hanging out by the hotel pool - in full view of everyone."


Princess Paris getting Top treatment!

PARIS Hilton had better hope she stays sick. The celebu-con is getting the princess treatment in the medical wing of the Century Regional Detention Center. Her fellow pokeymates say most inmates "have to be bleeding from their eyes" to get into the eight-bed ward, but Hilton was whisked straight into a private room where she sleeps on a comfortable hospital bed and sups on roast beef, spaghetti and meatballs, chicken nuggets and fish. "You know, Lean Cuisine style," a recently released inmate told The Post's Marianne Garvey. She also has a television and is allowed to watch DVDs. If she were in the prison's general population, she would surely sprout "commissary berries" - inmates who glom on to anyone with a little cash who could buy them a $1.50 cheeseburger or an 87-cent Milky Way bar. "If she were with us, somebody'd be pushing up on her," the inmate said. A jail spokesman said Hilton would remain in segregated custody until her undisclosed medical condition has been resolved - "Were taking it day by day."

PREGNANT Nicole Set to WED?

NOW that she's pregnant, Nicole Richie is getting hitched, too. The tiny "Simple Life" star and her boyfriend, Joel Madden, showed up for the YSL Pool Party to benefit Center Dance Arts at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday night - and she was conspicuously wearing a huge diamond engagement ring. "It was one big rock surrounded by more diamonds," our source said. Richie refused to talk about the ring. Meanwhile, Madden was "overly attentive to her - keeping his arm around her all night - and repeatedly asked her if she was OK." The cozy couple ate everything on their plates, lobster salad and lamb, but refused all alcohol, which our snarky spy called "a first for her."

Rod Stewart and Penny Lancaster While in Town for Their Wedding in Santa Margherita - June 16

Oh My Gosh! She is a foot taller than him and more than 25 years younger than him!


Madonna arrives at her gym in London, June 16


Cameron Diaz happy to be friends with Victoria Beckman!

She will be happy to befriend Victoria Beckham when she moves to Los Angeles this summer.

The former Spice Girl made a great impression on the 'Shrek the Third' star when they met at the MTV Movie Awards last month and Cameron can't wait to welcome Victoria to the US.
Cameron told BANG Showbiz: "Victoria is very sweet, she's a very nice lady. It was the first time I've met her but she's lovely." The 34-year-old actress also revealed she was pleased to be reunited with ex-boyfriend Justin Timberlake when they toured Europe promoting the latest Shrek adventure.

She said: "It's been great working with Justin, it's been fantastic.

Celeb Poker Hangout Busted!

An illegal New York poker den frequented by "Sopranos" bad boy Robert Iler and several NBA players was robbed yesterday. According to the New York Daily News, the gun-toting bandits burst into the Upper East Side spot at around midnight and ordered the club's 70 or so patrons to hand over their money. While the cops haven't caught the bandits, they did arrest club owner Edgar Concepcion and charged him with promoting gambling and possessing bookmaking supplies. Police estimate that around $50,000 in cash was taken. Where's Tony Soprano when you need him?



Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee at The Heart Bar at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino


Ellen & Portia at the Emmy awards!

Ellen & Portia at the Emmy awards!


Tyra Banks @ 59th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards - Show, June 15


Hasselhoff wins custody fight

A beaming David Hasselhoff said Friday he had won a long-running legal battle with ex-wife Pamela Bach over custody of their two teenage daughters. "The judge said, 'Enough is enough,"' Hasselhoff said outside Superior Court after a closed hearing. Hasselhoff was awarded primary physical custody and full legal custody of the two girls, said his lawyer Melvin Goldsman.
The teens will mainly live with their father, who will have responsibility for making decisions about their health, education and welfare, Goldsman said.
"We're all gratified with the court's decision today, and David looks forward to moving on and living his life with his children," the lawyer said.


BAD news for Hollywood babe Jessica Biel. If she's waiting for boyfriend Justin Timberlake to utter those three little words, she'd better not hold her breath...
In a remarkably candid interview, 26-year-old Justin spilled the beans about his romance with the stunning Illusionist star - and admitted it's definitely NOT love.
The pop heart-throb called Jessica, 25, his "very dear friend" and said she texts him all the time. But when asked who the love of his life is, he replied: "I haven't met her yet." Ouch!



Angelina Jolie's weight confession

Angelina Jolie has revealed her mother's death triggered her dramatic weight loss.
The actress lost her mother, Marcheline Bertrand, to ovarian cancer in January and has since become noticeably thinner. Angelina confessed at the New York premiere of her new film 'A Mighty Heart' on Wednesday (13.06.07): "I've always been lean and this year I lost my mom and I've gone through a lot. "I have four kids and I finished breastfeeding - it's been hard to get my nutrition back on track."
The 32-year-old insists her weight loss is not something she is proud of.
She added: "Instead of people saying I look like a person dealing with something emotionally, they assume it's because I want to fit into skinny jeans. "Someone saying to me that I'm thin is not a compliment."

Sheriff: Paris a 'Cooperative' Inmate

The disruptions caused by Paris Hilton's medical problems won't be held against her and she's still eligible for early release from jail, a sheriff's spokesman said Friday. "Ms. Hilton has been cooperative since her incarceration," says spokesman Steve Whitmore. "Her good time/work time credit is accruing." With those good behavior credits, her sentence drops to 23 days, putting her on a schedule to be released June 25. Hilton has been bounced from facility to facility due to an undisclosed medical problem. Most recently, she was transferred to the medical clinic of the women's jail in Lynwood, Calif., from a downtown Los Angeles jail hospital. "Her assessment is ongoing," says Whitmore. "Her condition is still stable."


Britney Spears - Flashing a nipple whilst visiting Starbucks 2007-06-15

This is getting ridiculous, I don't believe it is an accident anymore!

Stan Lee to Animate Paris Hilton

Legendary Marvel Comics creator Stan Lee is planning to animate Paris Hilton into an MTV cartoon show, and the blond beauty’s ex-beau Paris Latsis is set to play a role, according to the New York Daily News.
A Daily News source likened the project to the "Stripperella" cartoon developed by Lee in 2003 for
Pamela Anderson.
But things don’t look too comical for Hilton at the moment. A Hilton friend told the News that Paris is "still crying, but less."
"She's still depressed and not eating or sleeping much," the pal told the News.

Jail Visit to Paris Left Nicky in Hysterics!

Kathy Hilton and daughter Nicky are still reeling from their visits to Paris in jail, they tell PEOPLE. "It's tough. It is," said Kathy, who saw her daughter on Tuesday. "It's just one hour a week: 30 minutes on Sunday and 30 minutes on Tuesday. We talk through glass." "And this one" – gesturing to Nicky – "left in hysterics," Kathy added. "Nicky tried to keep the brave face but – I never see Nicky cry." Nicky and her mother spoke to PEOPLE on Thursday after attending family friend Barbara Walters's ceremony to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Interviewed at a private luncheon, Nicky described her visit to the jail on Sunday as surreal. "It's sad. It's like right out of the movies," she said. "The glass partition, the orange jumpsuit. Everything." Nicky spoke of what she saw as the unfairness in Paris's case. "What's annoying is all these people are going on television saying that she was drinking and driving," said Nicky. "She's not in jail for DUI. That's a big misconception. She's in jail for driving on a suspended license, just like the D.A.'s wife was. ... She got a $186 fine."

Britney Spears goes to get her nails done and shopping for furniture in the Valley


Angelina Jolie exits the Bloomberg building in New York City, June 14


Penelope Cruz @ "Elegy" filming set at Cox Bay in Tofino, B.C June 14th


Victoria Beckham goes walking in Central Park for US TV show June 14th, 2007


Britney Custody War Explodes

Britney thumbed her nose as a custody agreement with soon-to-be ex-hubby Kevin Federline, by taking their two children on a jaunt to Hawaii – and he’s now vowing to take the children away from her. Kevin hit the roof when he learned Britney was wallowing in the Pacific sun without a nanny, says sources. Britney’s custody agreement with Kevin states that she can’t take the boys out of L.A. County without his consent and without a nanny. An insider reveals, “For two days Kevin was desperate to find his children.” Kevin, worried over Brit’s drinking drug use, and wild behavior, had refused to give his OK to the Hawaii trip. Kevin bombarded her with phone calls, but she refused to answer. When Kevin checked the hotel Britney has used on previous Hawaiian vacations, she wasn’t there. According to an insider, when Britney finally answered her cell phone she infuriated Kevin even more when she told him she was indeed in Hawaii, sitting poolside sipping a drink. Kevin could barely control his temper. He issued an ultimatum: Get on a plane with the kids by noon on June 8 and head back to L.A. Britney deliberately missed the noon deadline, but did get on a plane later in the day. When Kevin finally got to see his boys, they were exhausted. Now Kevin is determined to gain full custody of his children by going back to court to argue that Brit is an unfit mother, with the trip to Hawaii just the most recent incident in the loopy behavior that she’s been displaying. “Kevin is upset that Britney’s partying hasn’t stopped. She’s drinking heavily, and Kevin believes she’s also doing drugs,” said the insider. Kevin says, “If the court awards full custody to him and Britney loses her children, she’ll have no one to blame but herself.”


Britney Spears at Italian restaurant in Beverly Hills, June 13