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Showing posts with label Articles. Show all posts

Read Inspiring Report Of How A Common Delivery Boy Suddenly Become Third Richest Man in China…

Wang Wei

A low-life delivery boy has, against all odds, shocked many people by building an impressive courier empire which has now earned him billions to become the third richest man in China.


A former delivery boy who dashed between cities to deliver goods for clients has built an impressive courier empire and is now one of China’s richest men.

The founder of SF Express, Wang Wei, is now the third richest man in China after his personal worth rocketed to a whopping £22.5 billion (189.9 billion yuan) since his company went public last week, Dailymail reports.

This means that the 46-year-old is now competing with the two richest men in China – property tycoon Wang Jianlin, worth £25.6 billion, and e-commerce mogul Jack Ma, worth £23.5 billion.

His success story started 24 years ago when Wang Wei, a fabric dealer at the time, had trouble mailing his samples from Guangdong to neighbouring Hong Kong for his clients to see.

Two decades ago, the only way for Chinese people to send letters and parcels was to go through the state-owned postal system, which was slow and costly. Same-day courier was a concept unheard of even to the most ambitious businessmen.

Having seen an opportunity in the market, Wang, at the age of 22, reportedly borrowed £11,800 (10,000 yuan) from his father to start a courier company in the city of Shunde.

With six employees, SF Express helped factories in Guangdong mail business products to Hong Kong, which was still a British colony. Wang was born in Shanghai to a Russian translator father and university teacher mother. He moved to Hong Kong at the age of seven and grew up there.

A low-profile man by nature, Wang rarely gives interviews.

In a 2011 interview with Guangzhou Daily, the man explained his motivation of building SF Express: ‘Many Hong Kong people had factories in Guangdong at the time, and they had the demands (for courier service).

‘So I thought: ‘Why don’t I start a courier company myself?’ As a result, I founded SF in Shunde with some partners.’

He recalled that he had to deliver parcels himself in the early days of the company. ‘[We] carried our backpacks and our suitcases travelling between Hong Kong and Guangdong every day.’

By offering cheap and punctual service, SF Express quickly expanded.

By 1997, four years after SF Express’s establishment, it had gained a monopoly on the courier market between Guangdong and Hong Kong, according to Shanghai-based financial media

The year 1997 marked the hand-over of Hong Kong from British rulers to Chinese Communist Party. After that, the trade between two sides of the border grew dramatically, which propelled Wang’s business to increase by leaps and bounds.

Meanwhile, Wang set up franchise branches throughout China.

In 2003, Wang decided to speed up SF’s delivery time by chartering cargo aeroplanes, something unprecedented to private courier companies in China.

Thanks to China’s e-commerce boom since 2005, SF Express benefited from the huge market online shopping had created which saw billions of items needed to be delivered daily.

In 2009, chartered aeroplanes could no longer satisfy Wang’s business appetite. He set up his own airline, SF Airlines, to dispatch packages.

To date, 1,400 tonnes of packages are sent by Wang’s fleet of 38 Boeing aircraft on a daily basis, including five B767s, 16 B757s and 17 B737.

In explaining his road to wealth, the modest man said there is only one way to build a successful business, that is to be ‘daring, creative and responsible’.

Having grown his fortune from £12,000 in debt to a staggering £22 billion, Wang has written an incredible rags-to-riches story – and it all started with his backpacks and suitcases.




Congenital Heart Defects are very common and critical birth defects, however survival and life expectancy of individuals with congenital heart disease have significantly increased with earlier diagnosis, improved surgical interventions and better medical management.

Every year, an estimated 85,000 children are born with congenital heart defects in Nigeria, all are currently referred out of the country for surgeries. A high proportion of children with surgically amenable congenital heart disease will require life-saving, invasive intervention to help improve their quality of life significantly. It is estimated that compared to their peers, the medical costs for individuals with congenital heart disease are 10 to 20 times greater funds most of these family cannot afford.

To this end, Hospitals for Humanity (HfH) an Atlanta based NGO, duly registered both in the US & Nigeria, has in the last two years conducted 49 paediatric cardiothoracic surgeries via its Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery Initiative (PCTSI) and in Nigeria, made up of a world class team, providing care and services comparable to any first class institution while building capacities of local staff and fostering knowledge transfer.

Currently HfH has a patient list of over a 1000 patients, 200 of who URGENTLY need surgeries, having exhausted its funds in the largely pro bono efforts of the last two years, HfH seeks to raise funds via its 1K1M fundraising campaign to continue carrying out these surgeries for the needing children.

The 1K1M campaign seeks to raise funds from one million individuals who will give at least N1,000 each towards carrying out open-heart surgeries for 200 children with congenital heart defects.

Taking off in January 2017 and running throughout the year, the campaign will involve as many activities as possible all aimed at raising funds for this cause.

On board as proud partners and sponsors are Daar Communications, BellaNaija to mention a few.

For more information, kindly visit 1K1M:

Gofundme: Hospitals for Humanity

Instagram: @hospitalsforhumanity

Twitter: @hospforhumanity

Kindly click on the link below to see interview with Dr.Segun Ajayi. FwsMMZub_bha_JT


How Successful People Build Exceptional Professional Relationships

How Successful People Build Exceptional Professional Relationships

Professional success is important to everyone, but still, success can and does (and definitely should) mean different things to different people.

But one fact is universal. Real success, the kind that exists on multiple levels, is impossible without building great relationships. Real success is impossible unless you treat other people with kindness, regard, and respect.

After all, you can be a rich jerk... but you will also be a lonely jerk.

Here's how successful people build unusually successful business relationships:

1. They help without having to be asked.

It's easy to help when you're asked. And most people will. But some offer help before they have been asked, even though most of the time that is when a little help will make the greatest impact.

People who build great relationships pay close attention so they can tell when others are struggling. Then they offer to help... but not in a general, "Is there something I can do to help you?" way. Instead they come up with specific ways they can help.

That way they can push past the reflexive, "No, I'm okay..." objections and then roll up their sleeves to make a difference in another person's life.

And they do it not because they want to build a better relationship -- although that is certainly the result -- but simply because they care.

2. They take the undeserved hit.

A customer gets mad. A vendor complains about poor service. A mutual friend feels slighted. Whatever the issue and regardless of who is actually at fault, occasionally someone steps forward to take the hit. She's willing to accept the criticism or abuse because she knows she can handle it -- and she knows that maybe, just maybe, the person who is really responsible cannot.

Few acts are more selfless than taking the undeserved hit. And few acts better cement a relationship.

3. They answer the question that was not asked.

Where relationships are concerned, face value is usually without value. Often people will ask a different question than the one they really want answered.

A colleague might ask you whether he should teach a class at a local college; what he really wants to talk about is how to take his life in a different direction. A partner might ask how you felt about the idea he presented during the last board meeting; what he really wants to talk about is his diminished role in the running of the company.

An employee might ask how you built a successful business; instead of kissing up he might be looking for some advice -- and encouragement -- to help him follow his own dreams.

Behind many simple questions is often a larger question that goes unasked. People who build great relationships listen carefully to discover what lies underneath so they can answer that question, too.

4. They truly think of others.

People who build great relationships don't just think about other people. They act on those thoughts.

One easy way is to give unexpected praise. Everyone loves unexpected praise -- it's like getting flowers not because it's Valentine's Day, but "just because." Praise helps others feel better about themselves and lets them know you're thinking about them (which, if you think about it, is flattering in itself.)

Take a little time every day to do something nice for someone you know, not because you're expected to but simply because you can. When you do, your relationships improve almost immeasurably.

5. They step up when they have acted poorly.

Most people apologize when their actions or words are called into question.

Very few people apologize before they are asked to -- or even before anyone notices they should.

Responsibility is a key building block of a great relationship. People who take the blame, who say they are sorry and explain why they are sorry, who don't try to push any of the blame back on the other person... those are people everyone wants in their lives, because they instantly turn a mistake into a bump in the road rather than a permanent roadblock.

6. They know when to dial it back.

Outgoing and charismatic people are usually a lot of fun... until they aren't. When a major challenge pops up or a situation gets stressful, still, some people can't stop "expressing their individuality." (Admit it: You know at least one person so in love with his personality he can never dial it back.)

People who build great relationships know when to have fun and when to be serious, when to be over the top and when to be invisible, and when to take charge and when to follow.

Great relationships are multifaceted and therefore require multifaceted people willing to adapt to the situation -- and to the people in that situation.

7. They give consistently... and receive occasionally.

A great relationship is mutually beneficial. In business terms that means connecting with people who can be mentors, who can share information, who can help create other connections; in short, that means going into a relationship wanting something.

The person who builds great relationships doesn't think about what she wants; she starts by thinking about what she can give. She sees giving as the best way to establish a real relationship and a lasting connection. She approaches building relationships as if it's all about the other person and not about her, and in the process builds relationships with people who follow the same approach.

In time they make real connections. And in time they make real friends.

8. They value the message by always valuing the messenger.

When someone speaks from a position of position of power or authority or fame it's tempting to place greater emphasis on their input, advice, and ideas.

We listen to Tony Hsieh. We listen to Malcolm Gladwell. We listen to Seth Godin.

The guy who mows our lawn? Maybe we don't listen to him so much. (Although clearly we should.)

Smart people strip away the framing that comes with the source -- whether positive or negative -- and consider the information, advice, or idea based solely on its merits.

People who build great relationships never automatically discount the message simply because they discount the messenger. They know good advice is good advice, regardless of where it comes from.

And they know good people are good people, regardless of their perceived "status."

9. They start small... and are sometimes happy to stay small.

I sometimes wear a Reading Football Club sweatshirt. The checkout clerk at the grocery store noticed it one day and said, "Oh, you're a Reading supporter? My team is Manchester United."

Since I'm pretty shy I normally would have just nodded and said something innocuous, but for some reason I said, "You think Man U can beat Real Madrid next week?"

He gave me a huge smile and said, "Oh yeah. We'll crush them!" (Too bad he was wrong.)

Now whenever I see him he waves, often from across the store. I almost always walk over and chat a little about soccer. That's as far as our relationship is likely to go, and that's okay. For a couple of minutes we transcend the customer/employee relationship and become two people brightening each other's day.

And that's enough, because every relationship, however minor and possibly fleeting, has value.

People who build great relationships treat every one of their relationships that way. (That's a lesson I need to take to heart.)

Originally written by

LinkedIn Influencer, Jeff Haden, published this post originally on LinkedIn


Young Nigerian Entrepreneur Turned Down Bill Gates To Start Slatecube & Its Changing Lives

Young Nigerian Entrepreneur Turned Down Bill Gates To Start Slatecube & Its Changing Lives

When, in August, 23-year-old Nigerian college graduate Chris Kwekowe met Bill Gates, he didn’t press the founder of Microsoft Inc. for business advice or a possible job offer. The meeting took place at a forum for Africa’s brightest young entrepreneurs.  

Rather Chris told Bill Gates during the forum that featured some of Africa’s brightest young entrepreneurs,  how he had turned down a software engineer role at Microsoft.
“Gates was really intrigued, and he smiled,” says Kwekowe, "After the program, all the directors were like, ‘Dude, you mean you actually turned down a job at Microsoft and had the guts to tell Bill Gates?”
The young entrepreneur was extremely confident in his abilities and had a great reason to decline the job offer. Chris was creating his own startup company, Slatecube, which helps other young Nigerians who graduated college find jobs. Slatecube seeks to solve that problem by nurturing the graduates through digital internships.

Chris Kwekowe graduated from college in Lagos, Nigeria with a degree in computer science. Along with his brother Emerald, 20, they started Slatecube in October 2014. The brothers financed their fledgling company by freelancing as web designers and operating a software solutions firm.

So far, Slatecube has an 80% employment rate for its users. Companies that have used the platform, have saved over $100,000 in 2015 by hiring skilled, ready to work employees. The interns that have used Slatecube so far, say it gives prospective employers a more realistic understanding of the Nigerian labor force. 

Chris recently won the 2015 Anzisha Prize, a Pan-African award given to the continent’s best young entrepreneur. The prize came with a $25,000 check. He is currently spending almost four-months per year seeking investors and potential employers to use Slatecube in America. He is now in talks with Google and Microsoft in regards to using his platform.

The company is expecting to open offices in Kenya, Ghana, and South Africa in 2017. When asked where his tenacious spirit to compete in the business world comes from, Chris said,
“If you can do business in Lagos, you can do business anywhere in the world."




Africa’s first luxury perfume, Scent of Africa was launched in Lagos at the upscale NOK by Alara contemporary leisure space. The exclusive event attracted Lagos celebrities, socialites and influencers.

The event kicked off with red carpet appearances by Nigeria’s finest celebrities such as Genevieve Nnaji, Olisa Adibua, Uti Nwachukwu, Gideon Okeke, Deyemi Okanlanwon, Peace Hyde, Ugo Mozie and many others.

As the evening unfolded, guests were given the opportunity to sample and experience the perfume. 

Brand Manager of Ghandour Cosmetics, Solange Boccovi described the perfume as a “blend of sophistication and elegance that pays homage to Africa in celebrating its rich identity. Scent of Africa’s identity was built around values of authenticity, the Ghandour brothers roamed Africa to extract the best essences used to build its delicate fragrance notes”.

The Luxury fragrances (for man and woman) were unveiled by celebrity brand ambassadors, Oluchi Orlandi (International super model) and Marcel Desailly(World Cup Champion and international footballer).

“Scent of Africa incarnates prestige. It carries a strong dose of elegance. I see it as more than just a fragrance, it is a trend and experience.” Supermodel and Host/Producer of Africa’s Next Top Model Oluchi Orlandi.

The event further commenced with theatrical performances and musical presentations used to incorporate the diverse representation of different African nations. The Oyo drummers opened the ceremony while the ballet performance showcased the beauty and strength of Africa. Dj Caise thrilled guests to African inspired deep house, jazz and soulful house tunes as they were treated to exotic Absolut Eylx cocktails.

Guests at the event gladly feasted their eyes to artworks and African elite pieces amongst which were high-end couture tastefully designed by the remarkable Patience Torlowei and each guest went home with bottles of the perfume.

About Scent of Africa

The Scent of Africa perfume bottle is the ideal packaging for the continent’s first Luxury fragrance; an ornate map of Africa in gold for women and silver for men. This bold depiction of the continent is the perfect house to distill these fragrances. Scent of Africa for woman and for man comes in both 30ml and 90ml options.

The Gold colour Scent of Africa for Woman, illustrates the allure of today’s African woman. The scent is a thrilling aroma of crushed geranium flower petals, jasmine, ylang ylang and heliotrope combined with hints of Malagasy Vanilla and musk. 

“Scent of Africa is an experience not just women but for men also, it is luxury in bottle.the smell instantly demands attention” shared Marcel, celebrity footballer and star of the French national football team.

Scent of Africa is set to hit the shelves of luxury fragrance stores and boutiques Nationwide before the end of 2016

Scent of Africa

Scent of Africa

Scent of Africa

Scent of Africa

Scent of Africa

Scent of Africa

Scent of Africa

Scent of Africa

Scent of Africa

Scent of Africa