Showing posts with label Britney Spears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britney Spears. Show all posts

Oops she did it AGAIN - Britney Spears Apologized one MORE TIME!

Okay Britney we know you are crazy, now she posted the apology on her official website .... but this is overkill - one apology is enough.... She really needs someone to give her good advice! I wonder if she posted this herself or did some idiot who is on her payroll do it?

Britney Spears with Boyfriend or Bodyguard - Who cares? Leaving the 4 Seasons 7/4..

Its a tie, who's worse looking Britney or him? Is it her boyfriend or her bodyguard? No one seems to know - but does anyone really care? He looks like an ape? If he is her boyfriend she won the booby prize!

Britney Spears Writes Nasty Poem to Mom

Britney Spears has written a bitter poem entitled “Dear Mama” and delivered it to her mother, according to the Star. In the poem, Spears lamented “that she didn’t have a mom anymore and she couldn’t imagine a mother doing what she did to her child,” a source told the tab.

Spears delivered the verse, along with legal papers, to her mother on June 28 on the set of kid sister, Jamie Lynn’s television show, “Zoey 101.” The two are reportedly also battling over the affections of Jamie Lynn.

“Britney said, ‘Here Momma, I just wanted to see your face,’” a source told Star. “Then she got into her car and drove off. Lynne went into the trailer and broke down in tears.”

The CD reportedly contained recordings of phone conversations between Lynne Spears and Britney's estranged husband, Kevin Federline, in which the two are apparently working in cahoots.

Spears is forbidding her mother from seeing her two sons, and in one conversation, Lynne is said to be arranging to meet K-Fed and the boys, and says, “I have to be careful that Britney doesn’t find out!” The recordings were made by a private investigator, according to the tab.

In another call, Federline assured Spears’ mother that his court battle with the singer was going well. “Kevin told Lynne that he had everything under control,” adds the source. “He was just going to let Britney hang herself in court.”



Britney is trying to change her IMAGE from the PENGUIN to MARY POPPINS!

What the HELL, has she lost her mind!

Britney Spears Shouldn't Be Telling Someone Else to Get Help

According to Britney Spears, it's her mother that needs help.

Cameras snapped the crazy spears after chowing down at Shu Sushi in Beverly Hills yesterday, where she said, "I hope my mom gets the help she needs," she told photogs outside the restaurant, adding, "I'm praying for her right now."



Candy Spelling's Tells Britney to Close Her Legs Again

You'd think Candy Spelling would have better things to do than write countless open letters to even more pathetic shits than her.

You made me do it. I didn't plan to write another letter now. I took two weeks off from because I didn't feel strongly about what anyone was doing -- or else I couldn't decide which side to believe.

You've driven me back to my laptop to ask why, if you have to slither in and out of cars, do clumsy imitations of gymnasts and wear clothes that are just too tight, trashy or skimpy, do you have to pose in front of photographers all the time? We've seen the body parts, poses and clumsy attention-seeking tricks before. You're wearing out your welcome. Some people never can turn away from a train wreck, so who can blame the photographers for waiting for your next one? Do you really want captions such as TMZ's own "Victim of Pap Smear" and "Does Britney Change Clothes for Cash" to be your legacy? You can do much better.

Unlike some others who are famous for being famous, you initially earned the fame and respect you achieved. You were a giant star, a Mouseketeer, a singer whose song titles became part of everyone's vocabulary. You made some missteps. We all do. But, when you become more famous for hideous, irresponsible actions than accomplishments, it's time to step back and figure out where you want your life to go. So many young girls still see you as a role model. Give those kids a reason to look up to you. They're probably even tired of the endless speculation about what undergarments you may or may not be wearing. I know their parents would like you to move on and get dressed. Even the school uniform was more dignified.

You're doing all right with the wigs. I know the paparazzi have a bounty on your (wigless) head. I think it's great that you have a variety of wigs (some very stylish) when you go out in public. If you do feel you need to show how your hair is growing back, at least make a deal with a photographer to sell the photo and donate the money to charity. Do you know what a statement that would make?

Enough with the sorry grabs for attention. Deep down, especially for your sons, people want you to succeed. You can always get attention if you need it. Visit someone famous in jail and attract a zillion photographers if you're that addicted to fame. Americans like winners. We like those stories about what people do with second chances. How about a moratorium on train wrecks and some time out for paying back the fans who helped you succeed?


Candy Spelling

I really do not see the point?