Showing posts with label Gwen stefani. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gwen stefani. Show all posts

Gwen Stefani and Gavin Out With Kingston (7/8/7)


Gwen Stefani at Angels Costume Shop in North London (01/24/07)


Gwen Stefani Does Not Wear Fur

Gwen Stefani has affirmed her anti-fur beliefs after being wrongly branded a fan of animal pelts on a pro-fur industry website. Animal rights group People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals (PETA) received a flood of calls and emails from distressed supporters who'd seen the website, prompting the charity's Michelle Cho to write to Stefani saying, "We know you to be a compassionate person and we wanted to alert you right away."A representative replied, "Gwen asked me to tell you she doesn't wear fur."


Gwen Stefani at the 2007 NRJ Music Awards in Cannes, France (1/20/7)


Gwen Stefanie Pre-Photoshop!

Wow! I thought Britney looked bad pre-photoshop! Gwen easily surpasses her! However, Gwen is also a lot older...