Showing posts with label Lindsay Lohan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lindsay Lohan. Show all posts

Mom's Drinking caused Lindsay Lohan's problems says DAD

The father of troubled Hollywood actress Lindsay Lohan is trying to force her mother to undergo drug testing. Former stockbroker Michael Lohan - who has served two prison sentences for contempt of court, driving without a licence and attempted assault - is asking a court in New York State to order his estranged wife Dina to submit to the tests.
Mr Lohan claims Dina's drinking has contributed to Lindsay's recent troubles - which include her latest spell in rehab after crashing her Mercedes and being arrested on suspicion of drink-driving and possession of cocaine.
He is currently being divorced by Dina, and has said he believes his daughter's problems with alcohol can be traced back to his own past drug use.
He is also battling for visiting rights to see his two younger children, Aliana and Dakota.
Mr Lohan said: "I do not believe Dina should be drinking in front of our daughter.
"If she continues to do this, I guarantee Lindsay will fall apart again."

HOW DO YOU SAY REHAB : Lindsay Lohan parties with her mom and her sister in Malibu, July 5th

Rehab here she comes...

What a farce she just spent 60 days in Rehab and here she goes again, what is her MOTHER thinking!


Lindsay Lohan's Birthday Party

Lindsay Lohan celebrated her birthday on the beach yesterday. Samantha Ronson was seen entering the party and Lindsay's mom also showed up with a Cartier bag in hand. It looks like Lindsay got a new bike and camera for her birthday.


Lindsay Lohan Enjoying Her Birthday on the Beach!

I'm so happy that she is getting her life back on track. I have always been a Lindsay Lohan fan. She went through a lot to get to this point and I think it is the only real attempt I have seen from a young hollywood star.


Lindsay Lohan Turning Things Around on Her Birthday

Lindsay Lohan quietly marked her 21st birthday Monday in rehab. Lohan's mother and siblings were photographed arriving at Los Angeles International Airport over the weekend for what her mother had said would be a family celebration.

Lindsay has a lot to be happy about this birthday. It seems as she is making a successful recovery.

Saturday, with a brand new iPhone in her hand, she stopped by the boutique Planet Blue, where rock music blares and shelves are filled with items for the bedroom, bathroom and clothes closets.

She was seen the day before, on Friday, with friends – a male and a female – looking great and listening to the piano at the Chateau Marmont. The star drank tea, diet coke, and water, according to an observer at the hotspot, who added: "She's turned things around, at least for now."

And last Wednesday night she attended an AA meeting in Santa Monica before meeting pals for dinner at Katsuya in Brentwood – with a stop at Promises in between.

"She came in with a whole bunch of friends, there were like seven of them, and she walked in incognito, super low-key," a fellow diner tells PEOPLE. "They sat down for some sushi and were just really enjoying themselves. She wasn't really noticed at all and was just happy, in a good mood."


Lindsay Lohan Sued Over Van Crash

Legal problems continue to follow Lindsay even while she recovers in rehab. The 20-year-old starlet has been sued by Grandeur Inc., which claims the actress crashed into a company van in October 2005. Lohan was behind the wheel in Beverly Hills when her car collided with a parked van, according to small claims court papers filed May 18. Grandeur Inc. is seeking $3,624.84 in damages. A judge will hear the matter on June 20.
