Showing posts with label Madonna. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Madonna. Show all posts

JFK Jr. And Madonna's Secret Exposed

A raunchy tryst between John F. Kennedy Jr. and pop superstar Madonna was cut short when the pair failed to find a condom, a pal of the late socialite confides. The pair allegedly arranged a secret rendezvous at a low budget hotel in Chicago in the summer of 1988.
However, the sexy date was cut short because neither star had considered using protection. Kennedy's pal Rob Littell reveals in new biography American Legacy, "They were working their way around the bases, and as they rounded third and headed for home, she asked him if he had any protection. He didn't, so now they began discussing how they were going to get a hold of a prophylactic. She was still legally married to
Sean Penn, and he had a steady girlfriend... They were afraid of being busted. They couldn't very well just meander into a pharmacy and ask for a pack of Trojans. They were too well known.
"To John's great chagrin, the relationship was never completed."



"M by Madonna" First Promo Shot

This is the first promo picture for the upcoming Madonna H&M line. The shoot was inspired by The Devil Wears Prada.


Two Cars Try To Ram Madonna's Car Off the Road

Madonna was forced to phone for police help after two cars allegedly tried to ram her off the road on New York City's Fifth Avenue. Thursday's street scare saw the singer's driver call cops over fears their pursuers had evil designs on the star. A source tells British newspaper the Daily Star, "Madonna's driver noticed there were two big vehicles driving closely behind her and tried to ditch them by turning onto Fifth Avenue.

He was particularly concerned as Madonna has recently been sent some disturbing mail - which has been somewhat threatening to say the least. But as he turned to go along Fifth Avenue, the two following cars tried to ram Madonna's car off the road and she was forced to dial 911. Eventually, after a high-speed chase, her driver managed to lose them and they reported it to the police in a lengthy phone call. Madonna is carrying on as normal but she's stepped up security."



Madonna Defends Rosie

Watch the Interview

While being interviewed on the Today Show Madonna told Meredith Vieira, "People are giving Rosie a hard time. I wish they'd stop. I don't think it's fair." Madge revealed she was on vacation when news of the public feud broke, and quickly emailed Rosie to get the real scoop. "

Madonna believes that since O'Donnell is a standup comic, saying controversial things in monologues is par for the course. "I have a feeling that if every stand-up comic was penalized for saying politically incorrect or provocative things, I think they'd all be hung in the public square."
