Showing posts with label Nicole Richie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nicole Richie. Show all posts

Nicole Richie is Pregnant

After several weeks of Nicole Richie hiding her stomach from photographers, the is-she-or-isn’t-she-rumors can be put to rest: Us has confirmed via multiple sources that Richie is more than 12 weeks pregnant with her and boyfriend Joel Madden’s first child. “She is extremely excited right now,” a source close to the star tells.

Nicole shared the good news with her mom Brenda, and close friends like Mischa Barton, in early May after a pregnancy test came up positive.

And the pregnancy isn’t the only cause for celebration. A source says Joel Madden along with a few friends and his twin brother Benji, recently went shopping for an engagement ring. And the twins’ older brother Josh Madden tells, “Nicole is awesome. I would love for them to get married!”

Both families are thrilled about the couple’s baby joy: “Everyone’s happy, everyone’s good, everyone’s getting along” a source tells.


DOES ANYONE REALLY CARE - Nicole Richie - Pregnant and getting Married!

She's been avoiding questions and rumors for weeks, but recently Nicole Richie started to confess to friends that she really is pregnant. "Nicole didn't want to tell anyone until she was past three months," a pal explains. "She really kept the news from everyone."And a baby isn't the only happy news. Nicole, 25, "is getting married this summer" to her boyfriend, Joel Madden, says an insider. Joel, 28, who fronts the band Good Charlotte, seems excited about starting a new life with Nicole, too. "He kept talking about his fiancée," Guttermouth guitarist Donald Horne, whose band played with Joel's in Quebec on June 29, tells In Touch. Joel also spoke about leaving LA, adds Donald. "He was talking about looking to settle down someplace nice and start a family," he says.

PREGNANT Nicole Set to WED?

NOW that she's pregnant, Nicole Richie is getting hitched, too. The tiny "Simple Life" star and her boyfriend, Joel Madden, showed up for the YSL Pool Party to benefit Center Dance Arts at the Beverly Hills Hotel on Thursday night - and she was conspicuously wearing a huge diamond engagement ring. "It was one big rock surrounded by more diamonds," our source said. Richie refused to talk about the ring. Meanwhile, Madden was "overly attentive to her - keeping his arm around her all night - and repeatedly asked her if she was OK." The cozy couple ate everything on their plates, lobster salad and lamb, but refused all alcohol, which our snarky spy called "a first for her."

Nicole Richie signs autographs as she leaves ABC Studios in New York after appearing on "Live with Regis and Kelly", June 7th, 2007


Nicole Laughing at Maybe Going to JAIL..... R WE Surprised??

Nicole Richie is laughing about the possibility of going behind bars -- and judging from Paris Hilton's quick release, it's not hard to see why. The stick-thin sometimes-BFF to Ms. Hilton was on "The Late Show with David Letterman" last night, where she started to chuckle when telling Dave that prison is indeed a likelihood for her. Incarceration -- hilarity! In between giggles, wrong-way Richie also said she is "keeping her fingers crossed ... but I'm willing to face whatever consequences come my way." Clearly, prison food won't bother her. She does not eat. What example does Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie give to young children!

Some Pictures From Paris Exposed! Paris Wants to Fight Back!

I love her to do list! Firstly, she wanted go to AA and sober up. That didn't happen! She also planned to call someone if she feels like throwing up and using. Hmmm...

Paris Hilton is taking up with a former flame in a fight to get their smut off the Web.

The celebutard and "Girls Gone Wild" creator Joe Francis have amassed a pit-bull legal team to attack the creators of parisexposed. com - a pay-to-view Web site boasting Hilton's most cringe-worthy memorabilia, including porn videos made during their months-long courtship.

"We're pissed and I feel for Paris right now. She's been victimized yet again," Francis told The Post yesterday. "We want this thing down and we're seeking monetary damages."

Francis said that videos of him with a topless Hilton were only intended for their eyes, and that the sex-crazed heiress is "devastated" that they've been made available to the public.

"They were taken for us only when we were dating," Francis said. "These guys have absolutely no right to use the images - they flat-out put them on the Web with no permission. He messed with the wrong person."

Francis said Hilton is also seeking criminal charges because the site's creators -"Sultan of Sleaze" David Hans Schmidt and broker Bardia Persa - posted her medical records, revealing she was taking Valtrex to treat herpes.

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