Showing posts with label Prince Harry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prince Harry. Show all posts

Prince Harry - A Facebook FAN!

Britain's Prince Harry is addicted to social networking website Facebook.
The 22-year-old prince reportedly spends hours at a time on the site, which allows users to interact with their "friends", as well as "poke" any one of its 128 million users worldwide.
A source is quoted by Britain's Daily Star newspaper as saying: "Harry is addicted to the silly games on it.
"He can go for hours without food or toilet breaks while he holds virtual food fights with his mates. He 'bites' them and writes graffiti on their walls.
"He also hurls assorted virtual farmyard animals at them."
Hmmmm, maybe I can get him to add me to his facebook - lol..

Prince Harry smitten by a busty bartender at Canadian nightclub

Prince Harry was reportedly smitten by a busty bartender, at a Canadian nightclub, Calgary's Cowboy club, which he visited recently.

Twenty-two-year old Cherie Nicole Cymbalisty attended to the Prince and served him shots and beers till 2 in the morning. Cymbalisty dubbed the royal 'the real Prince Charming', and said that he was 'polite and nice' to her."It was hot. He is the real Prince Charming - he's very polite and nice," the Sun quoted her, as saying. A source said that the club pays for its girl staff to get their boobs done to a D cup."Cowboys is famous for large-breasted girls, many of whom go under the knife for free," the source said. "Harry was a perfect gent but he couldn't take his eyes off Cherie. Cherie has plenty to offer in that department - I don't think hers are false," the source added.One clubber, Serena O'Reilly said that it was a Ladies Night and the prince did not look lonely at all."He was really getting down. It was Ladies' Night and all the ladies thought it WAS their night when he showed up. He didn't look too lonesome," she said.