Showing posts with label Rosie O'donald. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rosie O'donald. Show all posts

Question and Answers With Ivanka Trump

Are you qualified to hire and fire people?
I'm in that position in my daily life. Plus, I know my father better than anyone else. If you don't work well with (him), you don't stay long. It's as simple as that.

How do you feel about the Rosie feud?
I defend my father when I think he's right – and in this case, I do. But people are obsessed with this story!

Have you been to the tents on The Apprentice?
Yeah, they're bad! Those people must really want to work at the Trump Organization. If you're living in a tent for six weeks, it's not just about getting your face on television.

Do you like working on TV?
I've been offered tons of shows, (including) The Bachelorette.

So, we gotta ask – what's your take on your dad's hair?
Maybe I'm just used to it, but I love his hair! I've heard all sorts of crazy things, but I can verify with complete conviction that it's not a hairpiece. It is what it is! I'm flattered, but that in no way furthers my objective of being a great real estate developer.


Madonna Defends Rosie

Watch the Interview

While being interviewed on the Today Show Madonna told Meredith Vieira, "People are giving Rosie a hard time. I wish they'd stop. I don't think it's fair." Madge revealed she was on vacation when news of the public feud broke, and quickly emailed Rosie to get the real scoop. "

Madonna believes that since O'Donnell is a standup comic, saying controversial things in monologues is par for the course. "I have a feeling that if every stand-up comic was penalized for saying politically incorrect or provocative things, I think they'd all be hung in the public square."
