Showing posts with label The View. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The View. Show all posts

Ivanka Trump to Join The View?

Ivanka Trump's name has been added to the growing list of candidates to replace Rosie O'Donnell and Star Jones on "The View."

The National Enquirer reports that Barbara Walters wants to hire the "hottie with brains" to stick it to Paris Hilton and her parents for their shabby treatment of her when they were trying to sell the Paris post-prison interview.

But other sources say Walters is still sore at Donald Trump for calling her a liar during his feud with O'Donnell and will never hire a Trump. "It ain't gonna happen," said one insider.

Still in the running: Gale King, Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Griffin and another longshot, Mario Cantone.


Elisabeth Hasselbeck Believes she knows the Moral Code

Today on the the "View" the craziness was supplied by by resident right-wing , Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

During a discussion on adultery, the easily-flustered Hasselbeck said that parents who have ever cheated on their spouses meant they were bad parents. How can she generalize like this?

Her colleagues thought her view was rather extreme, and essentially told her to take the stick out of her you-know-what. They agreed that adultery is not right, but it does not necessarily entail one is a bad parent. Things are not as black and white as she believes.

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Madonna Defends Rosie

Watch the Interview

While being interviewed on the Today Show Madonna told Meredith Vieira, "People are giving Rosie a hard time. I wish they'd stop. I don't think it's fair." Madge revealed she was on vacation when news of the public feud broke, and quickly emailed Rosie to get the real scoop. "

Madonna believes that since O'Donnell is a standup comic, saying controversial things in monologues is par for the course. "I have a feeling that if every stand-up comic was penalized for saying politically incorrect or provocative things, I think they'd all be hung in the public square."
