
Ben and Violet Affleck play at the park June 7th

ahhhhhhhhh! Oh my GOSH, she is so adorable. She is obviously Daddy's girl! You can just hear her saying "I LOVE my DADDY!"

Rachel Bilson shopping with her little sister in Santa Monica, June 9th, 2007

They are so adorable!

CARE or NOT Paris Update!

Paris Hilton may be in a somewhat better place than the Lynwood jail, but one thing hasn't changed -- the food sucks. Hilton is only eating cereal and bread.We're told she is doing a lot better today, mostly because she is on her meds and the facility is better than the cell she called home for a few days. She is still having a hard time sleeping, because her room is bright and noisy. She is alone for the most part, but is allowed to use her phone. We're told she is still crying but a lot less today than the last two days.Today is family day, but she is only allowed two visitors. She chose sister Nicky and on-again, off again boyfriend Stavros Niarchos. Her mom and dad will visit on Tuesday. We're also told that it is a done deal that she'll do her time where she is and won't be transferred back to Lynwood. Finally, she is "shocked" that she is in the middle of a political tug-of-war between the Sheriff on the one side and the judge and City Attorney on the other.


Tell all Book - Diana romped with Charles before WEDDING!

LONG before their fairytale wedding, Diana and Charles secretly slept together on the Royal Train while it was stopped in a siding. Later the lovers colluded with Palace courtiers to deny the story and preserve the virginal image of the soon-to-be Princess.

This is one of the “revelations” in a new book by former friend of the Princess, Tina Brown. It portrays much-missed Diana as a neurotic attention-seeker who didn’t fall in love with Charles — but fell in love with the idea of becoming a princess.
With the tenth anniversary of the death of Diana looming, Brown has turned on Diana in a book, determined to cash in on her memory. Former magazine editor Brown claims to dispel the image of a shy, naive victim which Diana herself created.

I think it is about time to give her a break, too many people just want to cash in on her memory, let the women "rest in peace".



Lohan Body Guard Spills All

Linday Lohan Body Guard Lee Weaver says he quit working for her because she was too dangerous. He worked for Lindsay for two years and according to him two hellish years.

Weaver claims she attacked a gun-wielding cocaine dealer for ripping her off. Snorted line after line with Simple Life star Nicole Richie in a ten-hour binge. Slashed her wrists with knives, sobbing that she "didn't belong on this planet". Enjoyed frenzied lesbian romps with scores of girls she picked up at parties — and even made a play for chart star Mariah Carey.

Further more he said she had a total death wish and took more drugs and drank more than anyone I've met. "I lost count of the times I thought she was overdosing and had to carry her out of parties. Every morning I'd breathe a sigh of relief she was still alive."

The question here is he telling the TRUTH or is this a ploy to make money from LOHAN and her problems?

Hayden Panettiere comes out of Parc, June 9, 2007