
Madona OVER Britney-She's A Disappointment!

Apparently it is not good "to piss off Mother Madonna". Madge is disappointed in Britney Spears' selfish behavior and ticked off that the pop star has not fully embraced Kabbalah.
Madonna Piles On: Now Bad-Mouthing Britney Spears in Public?
So much so that Star magazine reports that Madonna has taken to bad-mouthing her former protégé in public! Sources tell Star that at two recent parties in London, the 48-year old spate of "look at me" behavior. Ouch!

"Madonna’s so over her," says one insider. While the Material Girl has been a tireless advocate for AIDS causes and African relief, “she thinks Brit is being selfish,” says the source. “She wishes she wouldn’t waste her energy like she has. Instead, she thinks Brit should use her power for a better cause - to make a difference in the world.”
Madonna also told friends she’s been trying to get Britney to attend more Kabbalah meetings, but the source says Brit has totally blown her off.

Nicolette Sheridan & Felicity Huffman arrives and then leaves Longoria wedding



This weekend, rock stars will jet around the world, cars and buses will clog traffic, and elaborate sound stages will be set up to burn massive amounts of fuel to send the message to fans at home that they better conserve their energy or face the allegedly dire threat of global warming.
The Live Earth concerts, which start this Saturday, July 7, are also one last chance for Baby Boomers to relive the “flower power” activism of the ’60s. In a recent
interview in Rolling Stone, former Vice President Al Gore invoked music icon Bob Dylan to promote the importance of these concerts. Citing Dylan’s ‘60 anthem “The Times They Are A-Changin’”. Gore rambled: “What’s the old Bob Dylan line? ‘Come senators, congressmen, please heed the call/Rattle your windows’ - what’s the rest of it? - ‘for the times they are a-changin’.”
But there’s just one problem with invoking Dylan to hype the global warming scare. And that is that Dylan himself has expressed skepticism — to the same magazine — to the notion that global warming is a catastrophe. When he was asked by Rolling Stone founder and publisher Jann Wenner in the magazine’s 40th anniversary issue if he worried about global warming, Dylan
replied with an unexpected rejoinder. He asked Wenner, “Where’s the global warming? It’s freezing here.” Wenner, who has blanketed Rolling Stone and his other magazine Men’s Journal with doom-and gloom climate change stories (that often bash CEI), quickly moved on to other topics after he received his comeuppance.
Yet Dylan’s latest statement may signal that in the global warming debate, the times are changing. Even independent-minded celebrities are now questioning the establishment media orthodoxy that the debate over global warming and its effects are all but over. In a phrase familiar to those who study pop culture, it appears that the global warming scare may have “jumped the shark.”

DUFF to Britney & Lindsay.... LISTEN UP - You may LEARN SOMETHING!

Hillary Duff says watching young stars ruin their careers by using drugs has kept her focused. The 19-year-old actress-and-singer - who also has her own clothes, doll and perfume ranges - is determined not to tarnish her wholesome image by experimenting with substances.
Hilary told Stella magazine: "When I first moved to Hollywood with my parents we lived at the Oakwood Apartments. "There were all these people there who were really successful, up-and-coming actors who were on
TV shows and stuff. But they all got into drugs and lost all their money and are nowhere now.
"They just fell off the face of the earth. It scared me. It made me so uninterested in drugs and experimenting."
Hey Britney and Lindsay here is a role model for you!


Is it Halloween? She looks horrible - actually what's new she always does!

Live Earth concert MEGA POST July 7th

Thadie Newton & Sarah Brightman

Madonna & Joss Stone

Geri Halliwell & Alicia Keys