
Probation Dept's Statement on Paris' Release

The following is a statement released by the Probation Department in Los Angeles:
"Paris Hilton was granted a conditional sentence in Los Angeles Metro Superior Court on January 22, 2007. A conditional sentence or "summary probation" is monitored by the court for compliance unless the court orders formal probation. Although not on formal probation, Ms. Hilton is supervised by the Los Angeles County probation department in regards to electronic monitoring. Electronic Monitoring is an integral part of community-based alternatives to custody. The Electronic Monitoring (EM) program is available to Los Angeles County Courts as an alternative to custody in accordance with penal code. The probation department contracts with a private vendor to provide electronic monitoring services. Eligible post-sentence inmates are screened for eligibility or it may be court-ordered either prior to conviction as a pretrial release or after conviction as a sentence option. Paris Hilton applied for the community based alternative to custody program and qualified as low-risk but the department did not recommend Electronic Monitoring because the court order specified ''no Electronic Monitoring.' The Sheriff Department exercised the authority to reassign Ms. Hilton to an Electronic Monitoring sentence."



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