
Kim Kardashian Slams ‘Dangerous’ Wall Street Journal Over Ad Denying Armenian Genocide

Kim Kardashian is strongly criticizing the Wall Street Journal a week after the paper ran a controversial ad downplaying the Armnenian Genocide.

The reality star did not mince her words in taking the paper to task for its responsibility in allowing the ad to run.

“Advocating the denial of a genocide by the country responsible for it — that’s not publishing a ‘provocative viewpoint,’ that’s spreading lies,” she said on her website on Wednesday. “It’s totally morally irresponsible and, most of all, it’s dangerous. If this had been an ad denying the Holocaust, or pushing some 9/11 conspiracy theory, would it have made it to print?”

She also wrote: “For the Wall Street Journal to publish something like this is reckless, upsetting and dangerous. It’s one thing when a shitty tabloid profits from a made-up scandal, but for a trusted publication like WSJ to profit from genocide — it’s shameful and unacceptable.”

The paper already got in hot water on social media for running the ad, which features a hand with the Turkish flag making a peace sign, while two hands crossing their fingers have the Russian and Armenian flags on them.

Readers are furious that the WSJ placed an ad directing people to FactCheckArmenia.com. Once you’re on the site it reads: “False: The events of 1915 constitute a clear-cut genocide against the Armenian people.”

The site continues to say that there “is no legal consensus to support the Armenians’ attempts to portray these actions as a willful, deliberate attempt to commit genocide of the Armenian people — a specific crime defined by international law.”

The genocide involved the Ottoman government’s systematic extermination of its minority Armenian subjects inside their historic homeland, which lies within the present-day Republic of Turkey.

Kardashian has been outspoken on the topic, and the anniversary of the genocide has been featured on her show “Keeping Up With the Kardashians.”

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Source: yahoo celebrity


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