Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Relationship. Show all posts

GUYS...This is really what happens to your manhood when you take Viagra – See this now!

This is really what happens to your manhood when you take Viagra

When you take viagra: Have you ever wondered how viagra works in the body of a man? Scientists have uncovered interesting details how the s*x enhancing drug works. Dailystar has published the recent study how Viagra works in the body of a man. 

Since it became available back in 1998, Viagra has helped to save the s*x lives of millions of men suffering from erectile dysfunction.

And while we all know guys take Viagra to get an erection, you might not know what the drug really does to your tackle or how long the effects can last. A recent study by Superdrug looked into the effects of sildenafil – which is the medical term for the erectile dysfunction drug – to see how men reacted in the first 24 hours after taking it.

Here’s what happens: 

First 12 minutes: Viagra is quickly absorbed by the body and some men with erectile dysfunction can get an erection just 12 minutes after gobbling the meds. 

27 minutes: If it hasn’t happened for you in the first 12, then you’re probably going to get hard within the first half an hour. Researchers found that the average response time to Viagra was just 27 minutes – even though doctors say you should wait an hour before seeing results downstairs.

57 minutes: After nearly an hour has passed, you’ll reach your “maximum erection potential” because the drug reaches its highest concentration in the blood. This is why experts say you should pop it one hour before s*x. According to the study, men can have erections that last up to 33 minutes within an hour of taking the drug.

4 hours: Viagra has a half-life of about four hours, which means that every four hours after taking it, the drug reduces by 50%. But it’s still possible to have sex. 10 hours Scientists found that after 10 hours men could still get a strong erection. In fact, it was just as easy as when they got one 2 hours after dosing up.

12 hours: Many lads can still get it up, but it won’t last as long. The average time that an erection lasts for is 16 minutes.

24 hours:  After one day the effects of sildenafil will have worn off. Almost all traces of the drug disappear from the blood stream, along with any boost to sexual performance. But how does Viagra actually work? When you swallow it in pill form, the cGMP component dilates the blood vessels and allows blood to flow more easily.

While this is happening, the drug stops the function of an enzyme in the penis called PDE5, which reduces blood flow. So it allows blood to flow more freely into the penis, making it easier for men to achieve an erection.

Of course, everyone’s dose of the little blue pill is different and factors like age, general health and other medications can all have an impact on how effective it is for you. Food also changes the way you react to it. Taking Viagra with a meal can mean you have to wait longer for it to kick in. While Viagra is a widely accepted treatment for erectile dysfunction, many men still struggle to discuss the health issue openly.


For Men: 5 Common Things That Can Cause You To Lose Erect!On During S3x


It can be very frustrating when as a guy you are unable to maintain your erect!on in bed, it’s not news that once a man’s d!ck goes down during s3x much cannot be done to bring back the erection.

Below are 5 main reasons why you can lose your erect!on during s3x.

You are nervous: This is understandable if it’s your first time together, you will be under pressure to satisfy her s3xual needs and you might end up losing your erect!ion with all the stress. First thing first, relax and everything will work out well *Trust me*

You are overweight: Too much fat will cause you circulation problems, it will damage your blood vessel which will make blood harder to get to your p3nis. Work out more so you don’t become overweight.

You are stressed: We all know a stressed man will have hard time keeping up with things even in bed. When you are stressed it can affect your p3nis and erect!on.

You smoke: Smoking disturbs circulation as well as constrict the blood vessels. “You need blood flow for having and maintaining an erection”.

You have low testosterone: Naturally, testosterone level drops with age making men have lesser hair on their body and also trouble getting erect!ons and many more. Low testosterone can be fixed easily with drugs.


5 Steps To Keeping The Love Flame Burning This Valentine

5 Steps To Keeping The Love Flame Burning This Valentine

Valentine is pretty much around the corner and showing love is the primary base of Valentine day. Though I am not a relationship expert, I have highlighted some steps that you can use to keep the flame of love burning in your relationship.

Surprises: nothing says “thinking about you” like springing a good surprise on your partner. It can literally light up a thousand bulbs in their world. The fact that you actually thought it through to send them flowers, gifts, lunch at break time etc when they least expect it goes to show you have them in mind. Surprises show that no matter how crazy your schedule is, you still find time to arrange a thoughtful gesture; and how heart-warming is that?

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Date nights: some may argue this is borrowed culture from the West but it doesn’t make it less of a way to keep the flame in your relationship alight. Date night may or may not be weekly depending on your budget/schedule but incorporating it in your relationship will surely do it a whole lot of good. 

Find time to seclude yourselves from the craziness of work or the chatter of kids and go out to eat a nice meal, watch a nice movie, or even go clubbing. No matter the location, time spent together as a couple is very valuable and endears partners to each other a lot more.

Public Display of Affection (P.D.A): Nigerians will stare at you in an awkward manner, iya-alata will judge you with her eyes, children in their naivety will jeer and close their eyes but it is in your power to not let the reaction from the world deter you from expressing love to your partner publicly. 

Hand in hand strolls, forehead kisses and stolen kisses, brushing hair off your babe’s face, whispering sweet nonsenses in each other’s ears, compliments, private jokes etc done in public make up some of the ways to display affection publicly. Granted, you may be dating an extremely shy person; it is up to you as the bolder partner to make them comfortable with PDA. No need to go about it forcibly; with more subtle gestures and time, PDA can actually grow on your once shy partner.

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Remember important dates: this particularly entails anniversaries and birthdays. It doesn’t just end at remembering, also make effort to do or buy something new and special for them. 

Days like that come only once in an entire year and remembering shows you care. Unless under very reasonable circumstances, do not forget important dates. They are one of the life wires that keep a relationship going.

Pray: ever seen or heard where something had the Almighty’s backing and it failed? I haven’t and I’m guessing you haven’t as well. The importance of praying for your partner can never be over emphasized. Your partner’s challenges are invariably your challenges and combating them spiritually saves you both a whole lot of stress. 

Pray, so you don’t fall prey to the antics of the enemy; pray so your love is one that stands the test of time and above all, pray so blessings and joy does not elude you two.

Image result for black couple valentine


I Do This For Him To Last 2 Hours When We Have S*x……Naija Lady Opened Up

I Do This For Him To Last 2 Hours When We Have S*x……Naija Lady Opened Up

An engaged lady has expressed concerns about marrying her man following his lack of creativity in bed leading to boring s*x.

S*x forms an integral part of a successful union so much that attention should be paid to that aspect by couples to prevent dissatisfaction and subsequent teaching.

This unnamed lady has recounted her ordeal in getting her husband-to-be to satisfy her in bed. She is currently weary about marrying him for the fear of not reneging on their marital vows.


Man Writes How He Found Love Through MMM

Man Writes How He Found Love Through MMM

A Facebook user, Danny Umoh took to his page to write on how he's found love through Ponzi scheme MMM.

He wrote,

*MMM is not only changing me financially  but also in relationship aspect.*
*I was paired wit a female to PH* *nd after I called to tell her to confirm my payment,I found her voice to be lovely .I went on to add her on my watsapp nd* *as boys will always be boys ,I* *asked her out nd she said'* *yes'.nd d relationship is rilli* *growing by 30% every* *month* * * Am so inlove now... Thanks to MMM

We find love in hopeless place


5 Reasons Not to Date Your Friend’s Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend

5 Reasons Not to Date Your Friend’s Ex-Boyfriend/Girlfriend

1. You could ruin a friendship

As strong as that chemistry might be, you really should not act on it.

Dating your ex’s friend has the capacity to ruin that friendship between them.

Even if the friendship is not destroyed, you are faced with the possibility of often seeing your ex when your new BF and his friends have a get together that involves coming with their GF’s.

2. Why date inside his circle?

The most sensible and easiest route to take after a breakup is to cut all ties with her and her friends, except you are friends with them before you even met that your ex.
Consider this: why dwell in the midst of all this drama when you can readily just dust your tail and pitch your tent elsewhere?


3. It will be harder to maintain a relationship

Ever dated an ex’s friend? If so, how did it work out?

Did I hear you say it wasn’t good? No? I thought so, too.

Most times when people choose to go down this path of dating their ex’s friends, the pressure and likely constant drama often strangles life out of the relationship before the partners even have time to really get into it.

Really, it is usually a miracle if this kind of relationship works out fine, and you will be better served if you avoid it by all means.

4. The golden rule

Just chill for a second and ask yourself how you would feel if this happened to you.

If you wouldn’t be okay with it happening to you, you shouldn’t be willing to do it to someone else. Even if that someone is your most-hated ex girlfriend.

5. It’s bad for your reputation

Another reason to not even consider this is the effect it might have on your reputation.

There is no assurance that that relationship you are about to begin will even last forever.

So, what if, along the line, you both break up?

You would have dated two, or depending on the case, more than two in a circle of friends.